Beloved Reader, whether you are just visiting this page, or you intend to start Coaching, may divine blessings be bestowed upon you today and always. It is an honor to welcome you to my space.
Having pondered about this beautiful poem for many years, I wanted to know and live in a way of feeling that I am the entire ocean in a drop. But what exactly does it mean?
Allow me to introduce myself a bit more to you. My first big love affair was with Mother Nature, and one of my earliest questions about life when I was a teenager, walking a neighbor’s dog, was “How can I reach this state of constant happiness that Daddy (that was the name of the dog) is showing me every time I see him?” Growing up in former East Germany with decent parents and two sisters, I left this country at the age of 19, starting a new chapter of life in Barcelona, Spain, after just finishing my Degree in Business Administration. After 3 beautiful years in Spain, where I was blessed to learn the Spanish language and culture, I moved on to France. Living in the French Alsatian culture for 6 years, I moved on to Switzerland, then in 2004 to Hong Kong, and after 5 intense years in Asia onto San Francisco, where I started studying Psychology, Sociology, Religion, Ethnicity, and most of all Spirituality. After 5 beautiful years in California, where I truly felt home, life brought me back to Europe, where I got into the Quantum Success Coaching Academy, which after 14 months certified me as a Law of Attraction Life Coach. By then I had already left the corporate world, and was working as a Spiritual Counselor and Life Coach, commuting between Europe, Asia and the USA. Having lived both in the far East and the far West, I am blessed to know the best both worlds have to offer and am able to combine it to help my clients claiming back our inherent power, or re-connecting to who we truly are. I learned how to meditate, got in touch with ancient philosophies and energy exercises, and also know about the most recent findings about the human psyche and the meaning of life. Even though I have gotten much closer to that constant state of happiness as well as how to be the entire ocean, I am still integrating and growing myself, always eager to learn… and here is what I came to believe:
We are all inherently beautiful. We are born perfect and divine. The way we perceive our environment, parents, teachers, peers, siblings, caregivers and the world around us, where unconditional and divine love is not a prevailing feeling, make us create certain thoughts that later become beliefs and defense patterns. These beliefs and patterns help us cope with disharmony in our childhood, yet often stand in our way once we are grown and living our own lives. A perfect example for this is the Story of the Golden Buddha.
A group of monks settled in a jungle area, where they found a huge clay Buddha covered underneath tropical trees. They got threatened and decided to take the Buddha with them as they left this place. The clay was starting to chip off and had cracks all over. One night, the guardian monk saw beautiful golden light reflecting back from the Buddha, when he shone his torch upon the statue. He called the other monks, and together they started to chip off the remaining clay, until a beautiful Golden Buddha was revealed.
This is who we truly are, divine unconditional Love and Light, our ‘clay’ being subconscious defense mechanisms that are creating blockages in our energy fields… Do they still serve us today or do they stand in our way? I invite you to contact me for your first complementary 30-min-session to start your journey of self-empowerment. Once we align with the Golden Buddha within, our inherent Light and the Love that we truly are, everything else will fall into place. So forget the How, and enjoy the Wow, starting Now! It will be my honor to guide and assist you on this journey.
Much Love, Doris Kessler